Friday, October 23, 2009

Book 6

Just got done reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. As it was with Atlas Shrugged, I closed the book feeling like I'd accomplished something major and I had to have some time to myself to process everything I'd read. I'm sure that I will be thinking of it quite often for a while - going over some truths about the human psyche that were shown to me.

It takes me much longer to read her books than anyone else's. They are so deep and intellectual. She goes in-depth in her characters. There is often a lot of dialogue that speaks volumes about the situation - and even double-speak.

Ayn Rand was brilliant. I may not agree with her life or political views, but I can not deny that her work has spoken to me in many ways.


  1. Rand must be read slowly to capture every image and thought........almost like C.S. Lewis.

  2. Precisely. (Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.)
