Sunday, February 7, 2010

Books 1 and 2

Wow, I didn't read anything but blogs in January - but I have finally gotten on the bandwagon. Of course, I don't have to relegate myself to 'so many a month' to be able to complete this challenge. I read so fast that it doesn't really matter.

On that note, I've read two books in the last week and I have the 3rd in the series sitting next to me right now, waiting for tomorrow to arrive so I can dive in.

I'm reading "The Mortal Instruments" series by Cassandra Clare. Book 1 (City of Bones) and Book 2 (City of Ashes) were so much more than I expected them to be. Full of vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, angels, rune tattoos that give the wearer abilities, hidden family secrets, psychotic villians....There is SO much to the story.

I'd love to see this in movie form - but I probably wouldn't be able to watch them. I see a monster on a screen and I head for cover - I'd miss 90% of the movie...but I would certainly try.

There is a BIG revealed secret that affects the main characters that makes things....Odd...but you just have to keep reading and take it as a grain of salt...I'm looking forward to it not actually being an accurate secret...Read the book. I'm not gonna spoil it here, lol.

It isn't cheesy in the least and this is traditional vampire/werewolf stuff we're talking about - although they are NOT the main characters. They are just atmosphere 'filler'.

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